


要确保参加我们的课程,请在我们的 预订表格 连同不可退还的 250 英镑押金一并交给城堡学校。


  1. 除非学校另有安排,否则学生必须提前(不迟于开课前 21 天)付清学费。
  2. 学生必须支付考试报名费(如有)。
  3. 所有需要寄宿家庭的学生必须在寄宿家庭开始前至少 3 周支付发票上显示的至少 4 周的住宿费用(如果不足 4 周,则支付全部费用)。
  4. 如果学生需要机场接送,则必须在抵达英国前至少 3 周支付接送费。
  5. 一旦您在英国居住满三个月,您就有资格享受我们居民课程的折扣价。请向办公室咨询。这些优惠价格不在网上提供。这些是针对个人预订的课程,不包括通过第三方预订的课程。





  1. 取消课程必须以书面形式提出,并从学校行政部门收到之日起生效。
  2. 如果城堡学校在课程开始前 14 天以上收到取消通知,城堡学校将全额退款,并保留(250 英镑)押金。如果在开课前不到 14 天收到取消课程的通知,城堡学校将保留已支付费用的 50%。如果在课程开始后或结束前取消课程,则无法退还任何费用。
  3. 如果学生在开始住宿日期前不到 14 天取消住宿,则需支付 1 周的住宿费。
  4. 在任何情况下,取消课程的学费或学分均不得转给其他学生。
  5. 如果学生已经到达住宿地点,但要求换到其他寄宿家庭,则必须提前一周通知,或者必须支付一周的住宿费用(如果学生或寄宿家庭提供者对其家庭/学生非常不满,学校会努力尽快纠正这种情况,并调查问题的原因)。
  6. 如果因学生未能获得签证而取消学费(无论何时),学生必须提供由内政部或英国大使馆签发的正式拒签信副本。如不提供此确认函,内政部将获悉学生的姓名和护照号码,并不予退款。如果提供了确认函,则除 250 英镑预付款外的所有费用都将退还。
  7. 课程迟到不退费。
  8. 如果在课程期间更改学费或住宿,城堡学校保留收取 100 英镑预订修改费的权利。
  9. 城堡学校保留拒绝任何未在报名表中披露的精神或身体残疾学生的权利。
  10. 所有在线预订均有 7 个工作日的冷却期,从确认预订之时起(而非收到付款之时)算起。在此期间,您有权取消预订并获得全额退款。请注意,如果您打算在预订后 4 周内抵达,我们将在 7 个工作日冷却期结束后才能安排住宿。





  1. 在开课日期后一个月内收到。
  2. 最初以书面形式向行政经理或研究主任登记。
  3. 与投诉学生有关的所有发票均已全额结清。



  1. 除法律明确规定的责任外,无论如何造成的任何人员或财产损失、损坏或伤害。建议学生在离开本国之前购买保险,包括医疗保险,以应对所有可能发生的情况。
  2. 如果由于我们无法控制的原因而无法提供任何服务或计划。


  1. 您必须遵守学校和课程的指示和规定。
  2. 我们保留开除任何行为不可接受的学生的权利。在这种情况下,您将被没收学费,并需支付相应的旅费或其他费用。
  3. 您必须对自己造成的任何损坏负责,并支付更换或维修的全部费用。
  4. 任何暴力、威胁行为或虐待行为都将根据城堡学校政策予以处理。(如需复印件,请向接待处索取)。


获得学生签证的学生必须在规定日期到学校报到,然后每周至少上课 15 个小时。未遵守签证规定的学生将被报告给内政部。



  1. 在课程开始之日抵达,或
  2. 如果因故无法在开课日期到达学校,应(在开课日期之前)通知学校。学校必须在接到通知后 14 天内提供相关证明文件,并在开课日期后 21 天内到达学校。


18 岁以下儿童参加成人课程

城堡学校的课程主要针对成年人。不过,在符合条件的情况下,我们也接受 18 岁以下的学生参加某些成人课程(详情请联系我们)。

如果未满 18 周岁的学生希望预订成人课程,家长/监护人需要签署一份同意书,确认接受学校的条款和条件,并解释适用于未满 18 周岁学生的一些法律限制(特别是与酒精和烟草有关的限制)以及适用于我们接受未满 18 周岁学生的一些学校规则和保护政策。







Group Terms & Conditions

1. A quotation is not a guaranteed place at Castle School of English. You and Castle School of English must reach a written agreement before places are guaranteed.

2. You must sign a declaration that all group leaders have undergone appropriate police checks in their country of residence, and that you know of no reason why the group leaders should not be entrusted with the care of children under 18 years of age. Group leaders are required to sign and follow our code of conduct.

3. You should confirm full details for the booking as soon as possible after paying the initial deposit. Details should include flight arrival and departure information and a full name list including age, sex, and any homestay/residential sharing requests. All student/leader allergies and dietary requests must be included. In the case of details being received after 8 weeks prior to the group’s arrival. Castle School cannot guarantee to provide the services in the quotation.

4. Dietary Supplements: We charge dietary supplements for students who require certain types of diets. There are no supplements for no-pork diets. Halal, vegetarian, nuts free, vegan, gluten, and dairy-free diets are charged at a supplement of £30 per week per student.

5. You must inform Castle School of English of any learning difficulties or physical conditions which may impact on a student’s participation in the programme. You must also inform us of any medication taken by students in writing at the time of booking.

6. You must send a non-refundable deposit of 15% of fees within 14 days of being invoiced.

7. You must send the remaining fees at least 4 weeks before the arrival of the group. Education and accommodation services will not be provided if there is an outstanding amount owed, unless previously agreed in writing.

8. There will be a charge if documents are sent by courier. Please ask the school for a quote.

9. All prices quoted are NET of commission or ETO’s expenses.

10. This quotation is based on the final number of students in the group being within the range specified. A number below this will result in re-costing.

11. You must inform Castle School of English of any cancellations (individual or group) in writing. You must make sure that receipt has been confirmed by the school.

12. Charges apply if the booking is cancelled.

a. If students cancel or if significant changes are made to the tour details less than two weeks before arrival, the cancellation charge will be 35% of the total fee.

b. If students cancel or if significant changes are made to the tour details less than one week before arrival, the cancellation charge will be 100% of the total fee.

c. If a student cancels because of visa refusal, Castle School of English will normally refund all fees minus a non-refundable fee of (GBP 100). An official notice or letter of refusal from the UK immigration authorities is necessary. If you do not send this visa refusal documentation within 14 days, Castle School of English will not issue a refund.

14. During peak season groups should normally arrive and leave at the weekend except where agreed otherwise in writing.

15. Arrival and departure times: There is a £15 surcharge per person for each arrival and departure to/from Brighton between 22:00 and 08:00.

16. Castle School of English require to see and copy the passports or ID cards of all students and group leaders.

17. Castle School of English reserves the right to charge students who engage in vandalism, graffiti or criminal damage of any kind for the repair/replacement cost of the damage they may cause.

18. Castle School of English reserves the right to expel students for gross misconduct or continuous misconduct either within the school, while on school activities and excursions, or at their homestay.
The Student then will leave Castle School of English and accommodation as soon as possible andtheir care and transfer home is the responsibility of the group leader. Students who are expelled will not receive a refund. The Centre Manager’s decision is considered final.

19. Castle School of English reserves the right to withdraw accommodation or facilities from group leaders for gross misconduct or continuous misconduct either within the school, while on school activities and excursions, or at their homestay. The group leader will then leave Castle School of English and accommodation as soon as possible and their care and transfer home is the responsibility of the client company/organisation. The Centre Manager’s decision is considered final.

20. Students under 18 years of age: Castle School of English imposes curfews on students. Group leaders have the right to make this curfew earlier, but not later. In the event of a welfare issue relating to a student under 18 Castle School’s safeguarding team will decide the appropriate measures to be taken.

21. In the event of complaints which cannot be resolved between the customer and Castle School of English, the Directors will attempt to resolve the complaint. Please see our complaints policy at https://www.castle-school.co.uk/terms-and-conditions under the heading ‘Resolution of Disputes’.

22. Castle School of English follows UK data protection legislation. Details on request.

23. All contracts and agreements with Castle School of English will be governed by English law.

24. These terms and conditions may not be changed without the written agreement of Castle School of English. Castle School of English reserves the rights to refer debts older than 30 days to debt collection agents unless there is a relevant agreement. Statutory interest and compensation fees maybe charged at the rate determined in the individual country’s interpretations of European directive 2000/35/EC.